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r t  f o r  r e t u r n e r s  t o  a r t

Haven't picked up a pencil since primary?  Unsure how to get started?  Looking to get back to doing something creative?​


Join like-minded people where we look at a new theme each week, bring in our favourite materials, or learn to use new media.  Teaching is flexible, learn at your own pace.


Fancy trying something new?  I regularly ask if there's something specific you wish to focus on, so do say - it's your class!


If you wish to go ahead with your booking, I am delighted to welcome you.  Please complete and submit the booking form.  I will then email you the course fee payment information.


Your booking will be confirmed upon receipt of both the fully completed booking form and full fees. 


Please add to your address book or safe senders list, otherwise my emails will sadly languish in your junk mail folder.


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Still not sure?  See below for detailed information to help you decide if this course is for you.  Feel free to email me with any questions.


Thank you very much for your interest and I look forward to meeting you!





Haven’t picked up a pencil or brush in years and ready to start creating again?  These relaxed classes help you to brush up on your skills, and refresh those long-lost experiences.


ABILITY:  All levels are welcome; all you need is the will to create!



•          Each week the tutor will suggest a theme, see below for examples

•          Either bring your own subject (still life, photo, etc) or use the tutor’s objects

•          Enjoy two hours of personal and relaxing creativity

•          The tutor is on hand to give gentle and supportive guidance


MATERIALS:  Mixed media - not included.  We all have different preferences, so please bring a small selection of your favourite materials on the first day.  This helps to reduce class fees.

Forgotten to bring your things?  Don’t worry, it happens!  The tutor will have a small range of pencils and paper, available at a small cost.


REFRESHMENTS:  Drinks are included in the fees.


THEMES:  Themes and suggested items to bring are for reference only, and are subject to change.

Hello - An item that gives you comfort, any materials

Line - An object from nature, use line, pencils and crayons

Elevenses - A snack to draw, or use coffee or tea

Landscape - A photo of a landscape, watercolour

Speed - A simple object, like a cup, watercolour pencils

Lino - A textured object, lino (supplied)

Catch-up - Use this session to finish projects

Head & shoulders - Draw each other, bring a photo, pastels or paints

Composition - A few small clear objects, any materials

Abstract - A detailed object, acrylic

Learning - Bring in the 'comfort' item from your first week.


If you have any questions, please email me at, or go ahead and sign up!


Thank you for your interest.



© 2023 Inspired! By Gilly

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